Dental implants are considered the “gold” standard in tooth replacement for the incredible success rate they’ve achieved over the decades. The only permanent option, dental implants can provide lasting security and aesthetics for your smile, no matter how many teeth you’re currently missing. However, certain factors can affect your investment and increase the risk of dental implant failures. Through comprehensive evaluation and diagnostics, we can assess your risk factors while also providing specialized testing for certain health problems. At the Center for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Care, we provide testing for vitamin D deficiency in Canton, OH for our patients considering dental implants.
A vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, the progression of periodontal disease, and possible dental implant failure. Adequate intake of vitamin D can decrease the risk of inflammation of the gums and bone around dental implants, as it has been shown to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and pro-wound healing effects. In addition, vitamin D is important for bone metabolism, preventing tooth loss, and promoting bone formation around dental implants. Patients who demonstrate a poor wound healing response after periodontal and implant surgery, need to have vitamin D serum levels evaluated and treated if necessary. A boost in this vitamin level has great benefits for your oral and physical health!
The vitamin D test is a simple finger stick blood test that measures your vitamin D level. Our office offers this test to screen patients with progressive periodontal disease, patients with failure of conventional periodontal therapy, or patients with past dental implant failure. If the test determines that you do have a vitamin D deficiency in Canton, OH, we’ll advise that you seek treatment through your medical provider as soon as possible. Our goal is to place dental implants that last your lifetime, so ensuring we’ve created the most ideal environment for this treatment is critical. When you are in optimal health, you can rest assured in a greater guarantee that your dental implant investment will last the rest of your life!
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4410 Executive Circle NW
Canton, OH 44718
Current Patients: 330-494-7004
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